Even though we’re seeing more awareness and openness about the struggles with loneliness, depression, and anxiety, the statistics show that the overall health of Asian Americans is not improving. For example,
- Asian American young adults are the only racial group with suicide as their leading cause of death.
- Asian Americans are the least likely racial group to take actions on their mental health.
Also, Christians are not immune to emotional and mental struggles:
- 54% of practicing Christians say they have at least one emotional or mental health issue that impacts their relationships. (cf. Barna)
- “Individuals who are struggling with mental health are more likely to go to a clergy member before a mental health provider or physician.”
This urgency calls for a response right now. Since churches gather more Asian Americans together every week, faith communities are the most strategic place to equip with the resources for mental wellness.
That is why we’re embarking by faith in 2024 to launch Catalyst Wellness Alliance, as CWA has included Christian Asian Mental Health in its programming. Your partnership and support is invaluable. Here are 3 ways you can join hands with us:
- Prayer Support http://go.catalystwa.org/subscribe
- Donation http://give.catalystwa.org
- Schedule a meeting https://cal.com/catalystwa