Free Access to Enlighten Mental Health Library

Enlighten Mental Health Ministry hosted events from 2018 to 2022 that addresses mental health openly in a Christian context at Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks in California. Enlightens’ mission was to encourage, educate, and empower individuals and families facing the realities of mental illness to lighten our burden.

Rev., Dr. Curtis Lowe was the English Pastor at the Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks (CCCTO). With his wife Carol, they generously provided mental health resources for their community, Ventura County, and beyond. They know that whether you or someone you love is struggling with mental health issues, you would greatly benefit from support and resources.

The content library of seminars and workshops are available for free at the Enlighten’s website and on Enlighten’s YouTube channel

Many of the speakers and presenters came from Fuller Theological Seminary and Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University. Some spoke on the topics of mental health that applies to all backgrounds, while some spoke to specific issues that touch on our Asian American experiences.

Mental Health Seminars and Workshops with Asian American Speakers

Intergenerational Trauma” presented by Sally Kim

Being True to Yourself” presented by Katy Liu

Moving Through Crisis Together: Finding Meaning and Resilience in Anxiety and Grief” presented by Miriam Kang

Depression and What to Do About It” presented by Dr. Phillip Lowe

Caring for the Carer: How to Sustain the Privilege of Caregiving” presented by Susana Fong

Speaker Series

  • “Psychiatric Medications” presented by Dr. Thomas Okamoto
  • “Overcoming Loneliness and Depression” presented by Dr. Gabe Lowe
  • “Unrest 2020. 2021 Better?” presented by Dr. Phillip Lowe

2019 Seminar Videos & Handouts / Workshop Descriptions & Speakers Info

  • “What It’s Like Being Depressed” presented by Rev. Dr. Youping Wang (普通話 Mandarin only)
  • “Empowering Yourself and Your Community” by Rev. Curtis and Carol Lowe
  • “Gen Z & Their Mental Health Needs” by Margaret Yu
  • “Help! My Mom is Changing in Front of Me: Helping a Dementia Parent with Their Behavioral Issues” by Dr. Solomon Liao

2018 Seminar Videos & Handouts / Workshop Descriptions & Speakers Info

Having a Seminar at Your Church

Your church is encouraged to use the content library of seminars and workshops posted at the Enlighten’s website and on Enlighten’s YouTube channel

Consider having a prayerful and thoughtful discussion among your church’s leadership (pastors, elders, deacons, and ministry leaders) for how to educate your community about mental health using some of these videos. Please contact CAMH and we’d love to help guide your meeting.


The views expressed in the presentations made at the Enlighten Mental Health Seminar are those of the speaker and not, necessarily, of the Enlighten Mental Health Ministry or Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks. All the materials listed are copyrighted. Please do not modify, copy or duplicate without permission.

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